



博鳌亚洲论坛表演、设计表演/物理戏剧、 & 音乐剧:

应用程序 加州申请 在新窗口中打开 以及 视频提交在新窗口中打开

2月. 4-5, 2024:   虚拟回呼 

2月. 9-11, 2024:   当面回电. 

2024年5月11日至17日:   第二届博鳌亚洲论坛校园海选 

8月TBD:   开学前一周 

The information below addresses the specific needs of students wishing to transfer into the BFA 音乐al Theatre concentration at 十大靠谱网赌平台. (If you are interested in any other Theatre degree emphasis/concentration, 包括戏剧学士学位, 请参阅我们的 目录在新窗口中打开 或致电戏剧系 & 舞蹈适当转介:(657)278- 7914.)

博鳌亚洲论坛歌剧院的集中地是一个密集的地方, 4-year course package that is difficult (but not impossible) to transfer in to due to the specificity of required courses in the first two years of the program.

对于许多未来的转学生来说, the CSUF Theatre BA degree will be a more flexible — and equally exciting — option! 尽管如此, 对于那些希望攻读BFA学位的人来说, the information below will get you started on the application and audition process.

大学应用 & 转学分评估

你要做的第一件事是 应用在新窗口中打开 到大学.

Once you have applied, please email the Undergraduate Advisement Coordinator for Theatre, Professor Josh Grisetti 成绩单评估. 这必须在试镜前做好. The Advisement Coordinator processes all transfer equivalency evaluations for 音乐al Theatre to evaluate whether your theatre, 舞蹈和音乐学分符合我们的必修课程, 这样你就可以参加试镜了. 将你的非正式成绩单副本通过电子邮件发送是非常重要的, and also the 目录 descriptions and copies of course syllabi (if available) for courses that you believe to be equal to the CSUF BFA 音乐al Theatre concentration prerequisites.



The following course work must be successfully completed (or nearly completed) before transfer students may audition for the BFA 音乐al Theatre concentration:

THTR 200: Script Analysis (or equivalent), with a grade of C or better (3 units).

• Study of scripts with emphasis on dramatic analysis and cultural significance.

THTR 160: Intro to Acting (or equivalent) with a grade of B- or better (3 units).

• Improvisation, movement, relaxation and characterization techniques for performance.

THTR 141A and 141B: Voice and Movement for the Stage (or equivalent) with a grade of B- or better (4 units total).

• Intensive training in the integral use of the voice and body for the actor; developing skills for vocal and physical relaxation, 柔韧性和力量. 基本解剖学和生理学入门.

THTR 240A and 240B: Acting II (or equivalent) with a grade of B- or better (6 units total).

•舞台表演的即兴表演、练习和技巧. 动机和行为

Additional course work that is strongly recommended (but not required) for 音乐al Theatre transfer candidates:

芭蕾舞我 & II (DANC 112和212)
爵士乐我 & II (DANC 132和232)
利用我 & II (DANC 142和242)
非专业音乐理论(MUS 101)
基本视读和合唱(THTR 181)
音乐剧表演基础(THTR 236A) & 236B)
两年私人声乐课程(THTR 193和293)



All BFA programs require a video prescreen audition (for first years and transfers). 有关试镜要求的信息, 最后期限, 和提交协议可以在十大靠谱网赌平台找到  接受我 在新窗口中打开 页面.** 

To view the protocols for all BFA programs: Under "Start an Application" select "Bachelor of Fine 艺术s (BFA) Theatre" > Guidelines (in the navigation above).

关于提交过程的任何问题都可以直接提出 在这里.

For information about our program please visit the navigation links above.
Acceptance into the 音乐al Theatre program is contingent on acceptance in到大学.

* CSUF的申请费为70美元. 我们鼓励需要经济援助的学生 应用在新窗口中打开  申请费用减免.
**接受需要30美元的申请费. 我们鼓励有经济需要的学生申请学费减免.


问:大多数主要的音乐剧课程不接受转校生. 为什么CSUF?

A: It is part of the mission of the California State University system to create a rigorous, 社区驱动的, 公平的, and accessible model of higher education — including higher education in the arts. We recognize and embrace the reality that the best and brightest young talents in our nation are not always those who can afford four years of private schooling. 同样的, some promising young actors may not be ready for the rigor of a four year program immediately after high school, yet may blossom through their matriculation within a community college/two-year program. We at CSUF honor that young artists do not all grow or develop at the same pace. 出于这个原因, we hope that our school may serve as a beacon — not only for the students whose talents manifested after high school, 但对于其他希望真正创造生机勃勃的高校来说, 多样化的, 为所有年轻艺术家提供无障碍空间.

因为这些以及更多的原因, it is important for us at CSUF to maintain a bridge into our programs for transfer students.


The long answer is: the BFA 音乐al Theatre concentration is a densely packed, 4-year course package that is difficult (but not impossible) to transfer in to due to the specificity of required courses in the first two years of the program. 如果试镜/申请过程对你来说是压倒性的, we encourage you to seriously consider our slightly more flexible Theatre BA degree program. T在这里 are many ways to celebrate your love for theatre and receive a 4-year degree 在这里 at CSUF!

A:好消息! You will be welcomed into the BA Theatre program 在这里 at CSUF w在这里 you can continue to study acting, 音乐, 跳舞, and an array of adjacent disciplines as part of our wider Theatre Department community. You may also use your audition for the BFA 音乐al Theatre concentration to be considered for the BFA Acting or Devised Theatre concentrations.

答:恭喜! 如果你成功通过评审团/试镜, you will be given a schedule of classes to which you will be permitted to enroll (with the goal of timely completing the BFA course sequence). That permit guarantees you a seat in the BFA sections of performance courses. 从这里, simply follow the 音乐al Theatre course roadmap provided to you by your academic advisor, 全身心投入到工作中去, 享受这段旅程!

Q: How many transfer students does the 音乐al Theatre program accept each year?
答:这取决于候选人的数量和目前的班级名单, 然而, 平均每年1-2次转会.


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